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Details of our Courses & Training Programs

Discover your Oneself “Who am I”?

Our Promise to you:

This program is not a knowledge sharing (gyan-baato) session, presentation and videos;

All our training programs are research based and delivered through our content based frame-work with assured success or Money Back.


As a human being there is only one thing, we all should know and after knowing that we do required to know anything else in our life. That one thing is to


“Know your thyself” Who am I? know our Oneself.

For the 1st time in the history of universe we have developed a research based frame-work through which we will be able to help you discover your Oneself.

Whatever we are today is the result of our decisions we have taken in our Life, Job, Career, Business and relationship.


We take our decision based on our personality which is our strength & weakness and acquired by us through our intellect in the influence of impacting people in our life, our culture, society, religion, law of land and through our education system, skills, competencies, trainings and experiences.


Scientists have proved that our personality through which we take decisions and implement them in our life is our “Acquired Personality” and hence we are not able to achieve the expected result in our life, Job, Career, Business and Relationship.


In “Discover your Oneself” program we help dismantle your acquired personality through our research based frame-work the way it had been acquired by you from your childhood till now and at this program you will be able to discover your real personality “Your who am I” your oneself.


Once you discover your Oneself, you have the opportunity to discover your passion and create your future career based on your passion.


Operating from your oneself you have the opportunity to experience peace, satisfaction and fulfilment in whatever you do as your career. And Money will come in abundance as by product.


Who Can attend: All who wants to discover their oneself, who am I? and experience peace, fulfilment and self-expression in their life.


What you will Learn:

  1. How your personality had been acquired by you from your childhood till now?

  2. How you are operating & taking decisions from acquired personality and not able to create the expected result in your life, job, career, business & Relationship.

  3. How to dismantle your acquired personality and Discover your “Oneself”.

  4. How to discover your real personality? Your Who am I?

  5. What is your real passion? (discovered)

  6. Opportunity to create your future career based on your passion.

Assured success or 100% money-back (patented program)

Duration - 50 hours, 10 session of 05 hours each. Online over Zoom
Discover your Oneself
Transforming Problems in Possibilities (covid19 special)

Our Promise to you:

This program is not a knowledge sharing (gyan-baato) session, presentation and videos;

All our training programs are research based and delivered through our content based frame-work with assured success or Money Back


The biggest problem in people's life 🙃 is that they don't know what is their problem. Because If they know their problems then solutions are available on Google too


In this competitive and challenging world if you are not able to manage challenges in your life, it becomes Problems in your life, career, job, business and relationship.


All Problems in human life is created by the people themselves; where their desires were bigger than what they deserve.

When your expectations are bigger than your capabilities you start creating Problems in your life.


For the 1st time in the history of universe we have created a research-based framework where we help you to discover challenges in your life, job, career, business and relationship. And once you are able to identify the reason of your problems, we will empower you with our frame-work to transform those problems and challenges in many Possibilities in your Life.


Who Can attend: All who wants to discover their challenges and problems in life, Job, career, business and relationship and ready to learn the scientific process to transform all your problems in many possibilities in your life?


What you will Learn:

  1. Discovering problems and challenges in your life, job, career, business & Relationship.

  2. Acknowledging those problems and challenges in your life.

  3. Understanding the reason of those problems and challenges in life.

  4. Resolving the problems and challenges in your life.

  5. Transforming problems and creating possibilities in your life, job, career, business & Relationship

Duration - 02 session of 5 hours each, (total 10 hours). Online over Zoom
Problems in Possibilities
Discover your Passion

Our Promise to you:

This program is not a knowledge sharing (gyan-baato) session, presentation and videos;

All our training programs are research based and delivered through our content based frame-work with assured success or Money Back.

Without discovering your passion; you cannot create a fulfilling career – Dr.D.


Many people have confusion, understanding the difference between their hobby, attraction and passion.


By definition your career is a long-term profession of your passion. So, in order to have a fulfilling career two things are very important:

  1. Discover your passion and

  2. Become professional in the area of your passion.

The most challenging part is to discover passion. Unless you discover your real personality, your who am I and oneself; you cannot discover your passion.


Whatever you are doing in your life, if the purpose is to earn money. You are doing a Job, irrespective whether you are working for others or self-employed.


For the 1st time in the history of universe we have created a research-based framework where we help you to discover your Passion scientifically. And once you discover your passion you have the opportunity to create a fulfilling career with success and fulfillment in life and money will come as a by product in abundance.


Who Can attend: All who wants to discover their Passion and create a future career with peace, satisfaction and fulfilment? Earn money in abundance and achieve financial freedom in life.


What you will Learn:

  1. How your personality had been acquired by you from your childhood till now?

  2. How you are operating & taking decisions from acquired personality and not able to create the expected result in your life, job, career, business & Relationship.

  3. How to dismantle your acquired personality and Discover your “Oneself”.

  4. How to discover your real personality? Your Who am I?

  5. What is your real passion? (discovered)

  6. Opportunity to create your future career based on your passion.

Duration - 02 session of 5 hours each, (total 10 hours). Online over Zoom
Discover your Passion
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Experiencing the Bliss 

Our Promise to you:

This program is not a knowledge sharing (gyan-baato) session, presentation and videos;

All our training programs are research based and delivered through our content based frame-work with assured success or Money Back.

Success is not the Bliss – Dr.D.


If you are a successful person with your position, profile and the money you earn from your job, career, business or profession. It is not necessary that you are a happy, satisfied, fulfilled and a blissful person.


Your wealth and financial freedom can only help you having the temporary comfort in your life where you can acquire and enjoy all luxuries and live with comfort.

Scientists have discovered that when you are physically more comfortable, you will start having a Mind & Body imbalance and as a result you will start having mental discomforts like stress, anxiety, depression, hypertension and many more mental problems.


And ultimately you become unhappy, depressed and frustrated in your life, in spite of being a financially successful person.  


For the 1st time in the history of universe we have created a research-based framework where we help you to discover and “Experience the real Bliss” in your life and re-create the opportunity to experiencing bliss in whatever you do in your life, job, career, business and relationship.



Who Can attend: All who wants to discover and “Experience the real Bliss” in your life and re-create the opportunity to experiencing bliss in whatever you do in your life, job, career, business and relationship?


What you will Learn:

  1. Why success is not Bliss?

  2. Discovering and experiencing the bliss in your Life.

  3. Creating the possibility of experiencing the Bliss in every moment of life, Job, Career, Business and Relationship.

  4. Creating future opportunity of bliss in your life  and in the life of all people in your world.

Duration - 02 session of 5 hours each, (total 10 hours). Online over Zoom
Experiencing the Bliss 
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Self-Hypnosis the art of Bliss

Our Promise to you:

This program is not a knowledge sharing (gyan-baato) session, presentation and videos;

All our training programs are research based and delivered through our content based frame-work with assured success or Money Back.

Self-Hypnosis is a scientific meditation technique where you by-pass the ego of your analytical thought process and plant the seed of freedom and bliss where the power to initiate the change actual exists in the unconscious.


Many times, we take decisions, prepare plans and make resolution to do some important things in our life like, getting up early in the morning, meditate for one hours and being happy and blissful. But most of the time this all remains as plan and resolutions.

You might have tried several times to meditate peacefully but you are not able to focus; millions of analytical thoughts start coming at more intensity. And result another plan and so on.


Through Self-Hypnosis we get into our subconscious mind while being in unconscious state and plant the seed of meditation and fulfilment and when we come out of the process; we experience peace, silence and bliss in everything we do in our life.


Through the art of Self-Hypnosis, we can access the power of getting into the subconscious mind and plant the seed of anything in superfine state and when it grows, you experience the blossoming in conscious.


Who Can attend: All who wants to discover and “Experience the Art of Self-hypnosis & Bliss” in your life and re-create the opportunity to experiencing bliss in whatever you do in your life, job, career, business and relationship?


What you will Learn:

  1. The process of Self-Hypnosis.

  2. How to practice Self-hypnosis and become professional.

  3. Transforming Body, mind and Soul through Self-hypnosis technique.

  4. Accessing subconscious in unconsciousness

  5. Planting the seed of any activity in subconscious

  6. Experience the bliss through Self-Hypnosis

  7. When not to use the process of Self-Hypnosis.

Duration - 05 session of 02 hours each, (total 10 hours). Online over Zoom.
Self-Hypnosis the art of Bliss
Self-Love the supreme art of Living

Our Promise to you:

This program is not a knowledge sharing (gyan-baato) session, presentation and videos;

All our training programs are research based and delivered through our content based frame-work with assured success or Money Back.

Love is the journey which starts with attraction and disappears in acceptance – Dr.D.


All our life and relationship challenges have only one main cause, “we are not able to accept people in our life the way they are. And the main reason is that even we are not able to accept our self the way we are.


Self-acceptance is the beginning of Self-love and supreme art of Living on this earth.

When you love yourself, you start planting the trees of Love, acceptance and compassion around your life, you start attracting like-minded people in your life which manifests in the creation of a tribe of similar people in this universe.


Operating from the power of wisdom and awareness you have the opportunity to discover your self-expression and acceptance in Life.  


Opening to Self-love process is based on Individual, group, pair and couple exercise designed based on the research-based frame-work of Human design. This allows us to understand the challenges of self-acceptance of people and group in their day-to-day life to further transform their believe towards acceptance and Self-love.


Self-love is the highest level of awareness and Supreme Art of Living – Dr. Gautam


Who Can attend: All who wants to discover, Learn and “Experience the power of Self-Love and Supreme Art of Living” in your life and re-create the opportunity to experiencing bliss in whatever you do in your life, job, career, business and relationship?


What you will Learn:

  1. How to transform attraction to acceptance.

  2. Discovering Awareness and Wisdom for self-acceptance.

  3. Transforming Self-acceptance to Self-love.

  4. Accepting others, the way they are with Self-love

  5. Experiencing freedom and self-expression in Self-love

  6. Transforming Self-love in to the way of supreme living

  7. Experiencing Bliss

Duration - 02 session of 05 hours each, (total 10 hours). Online over Zoom.
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7 Steps to get Employed

Our Promise to you:

This program is not a knowledge sharing (gyan-baato) session, presentation and videos;

All our training programs are research based and delivered through our content based frame-work with assured success or Money Back.

Getting a Job and Getting a Job of your choice you deserve is two different things.


You might be in a job or paid employment in some company but you are not happy and satisfied with your job, you never know what kind of future career you are going to create from this job. How you are going to fulfil your financial commitment and achieve financial freedom. When you are going to have your own house, car and financial freedom to provide best education to your kinds.

 You are struggling with entry barrier in a global organization or suffering with the challenges of Mid-career crisis. 


Who Can attend: If you are unemployed, looking for restarting your corporate career again, Struggling with mid-career crisis? Not happy with your current Job, looking to change you career, business or profession then you must do this course?


Getting a Job of your choice is a Learnable Skill; you can learn and get it – Dr.D.

It is your CV which get shortlisted 1st to provide you the opportunity for Interview call

What you will Learn:

  1. How to be in market ready condition for the Job of your choice.

  2. Preparing your CV/Profile to get shortlisted for the position you are applying for.

  3. Preparing for the impactful Interview to get shortlisted & selected.

  4. Become the best choice by demonstrating the power of wisdom in interview

  5. Influencing Interviewer and Creating impact to get the Job offer.

Duration - 2 days, 5 hours each day Online (Zoom)


7 Steps to get Employed
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5 Steps to get Promoted

Our Promise to you:

This program is not a knowledge sharing (gyan-baato) session, presentation and videos;

All our training programs are research based and delivered through our content based frame-work with assured success or Money Back.

Getting annual salary increment, incentive and Bonus is not the Promotion. The real promotion is growing in your Job, career & profession. Assuming bigger and important responsibility in a leadership role in an organization of Global repute.


Who Can attend: If you are a corporate executive or business leader and not getting promoted to the next level in hierarchy every three years then you must do this course?

Promotion is not given; you should deserve it – Dr.D.

What you will Learn:

  1. How to be in market ready condition for Job and Promotion.

  2. Becoming the Highest performer in the team and Organization

  3. How to resolve business Problems and Corporate challenges.

  4. How to becoming Part of the Profit Centre in the company.

  5. How to empower people and create a winning team

  6. Seizing the future.

Duration - 2 days, 5 hours each day Online (Zoom)
5 Steps to get Promoted

We Need Your Support to empower Human being !

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